
Media owner & publisher

MERKwürdig. Zeithistorisches Zentrum Melk
Linzer Straße 5
3390 Melk
Legal form
Legal person
Obmann Alexander Hauer (
Contact data
Regulatory authority
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Melk
Trade regulations
Gewerbeordnung 1994, abrufbar unter
ZVR id
Bank account
AT70 2025 6050 0009 5785
Information on online dispute resolution
Consumers have the opportunity to complaints to the online dispute resolution platform of the EU: You can also send any complaints to the e-mail address given above.



The author reserves the right not to be responsible for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the author, which refer to material or non-material damage, and which may be caused by the usage or non-usage of the information provided or, respectively, by the usage of any incorrect or incomplete information, are generally excluded unless in cases of evidenced willful or gross negligence on the part of the author. All offers are free and non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, delete temporarily or permanently parts of the pages or the entire website without prior notice.

References and hyperlinks

The author is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from his pages - unless he has full knowledge of illegal contents and would be able to prevent the visitors of his site from viewing those pages. If any damage occurs by the use of information presented there, only the author of the respective pages might be liable, not the one who has linked to these pages. The author hereby expressly declares that at the time the links were created, there was no evidence of illegal content on the pages to be linked. The author has no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages. The author has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design, contents or authorship of the web pages that have been linked to this site. This statement applies to all links and references placed within the author's own website as well as to third-party entries in guest books and mailing lists set up by the author. The provider of the site to which reference is made shall be solely liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for any damage arising from the use or non-use of such information.

Copyright and trademark law

The author shall ensure that in all publications the copyrights of the images, sounds, video sequences and texts used are observed, that self-created images, sounds, video sequences and texts are used or that recourse is taken to licence-free images, sounds, video sequences and texts. In the event that a third party uses a registered trademark, the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owner shall apply without exception. The mere fact that a trademark is mentioned does not mean that it is not protected by third parties! The copyright for published objects created by the author himself remains solely with the author of the pages. Without the express consent of the author, any duplication or use of objects such as images, diagrams, sounds or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted.